So a Social Media Platform Dropped Us
Social media is one of the most important inventions that has come from the age of the internet. You can…
Social media is one of the most important inventions that has come from the age of the internet. You can…
Hey you! What are you attracted to? Animals? Humans? Males? Females? Let's get more specific here. What kinds of animals?…
Sometimes people ask me why I put so much energy into the zoo community, and into zoo projects. Typically these…
I want to make something clear as we start this article off. I have nothing against the Zeta Principles. I…
Have you ever heard of a bell curve? It's a kind of shape that some graphs end up with, when…
Time sure does fly when you're having fun doesn't it? Another amazing year has gone by and here we are…
It’s 2:00 AM Central Time and I’m sitting in the lobby of the Donald E. Stephens convention center in Rosemont…
Have you ever received a death threat? If you're a zoo reading this, chances are that you've probably gotten at…
One thing that typically smarter anti zoo folks will bring up from time to time is the idea of power…
Hello there! This article is somewhat of a spiritual sequel to our recent article on Zoo Culture. While technically you…
Hey there, Tarro here! Brief foreword so everyone is on the same page going into this. Just to be super…
You know what's pretty cool? Culture. It's basically the building block of society, and yet we never really think about…
Can I tell you a secret? I'm serious, can I? Can you be trusted with something I don't want people…
There's a criticism that we here at the magazine, and I think really all zoo activism gets that I wanted…
I've always been a big fan of elves. There's something about them that I've just always found really neat. Of…
Hey there losers, xxxZoophileHater666xxx here. I've once again hacked into the Pooey Dot Pub magazine server. It took me a…
Hi there! Quick disclaimer! If you didn't notice, this is part two of an article. We've already laid the groundwork…
I really like video essays. I do a lot of writing (as you may or may not have guessed), and…
There's an interesting phenomenon in any social movement where some members of the oppressed group end up as vocal opposition…
I love being a zoo. It's something that I've been thinking about a lot lately. There's something weird about it…
I want to start this article off with an apology. I'm sorry. I've lied to you. At least, probably. Unless…
Arf! Woof! Bark! Yip! That's right, for those fluent in puppy, we're getting around to talking about something that literally…
Let's talk about Jaywalking. For those unfamiliar, Jaywalking is when you cross the street at a point that isn't designated…
You should write an article! Yes, you! Reading this right now! Did you know that this online magazine of ours,…
Hey there! Tarro here! Happy Zoo Pride 2024! With the first of our pride articles, we focused a lot on…
Hey there. Tarro here. Today I want to talk about something I've been seeing a lot of talk about in…
You know what's kinda weird? The infantilization of animals in our culture. We have these amazing, wonderful animals in our…
Wow boy it sure is hot out there! At least for most of our readers anyway. We see you Australia…
Hey, Tarro here! You wanna know something kinda crazy? We've officially been running this little magazine of ours for two…
Hi there, this is xxxZoophileHater666xxx. I've hacked into the Zooey Dot Pub mainframe to bring you some important information. I'm…
I turn the keys to my house and immediately hear a scamper of paws from behind the door. I open…
Today, we're going to be talking about something... scary. Something spooky. Something so outright terrifying that it might change the…
How often do you think about the earth? Personally, I love it. I think Earth is an S tier ball…
It's a very interesting experience to be told you're wrong about something that's in all ways just provably a fact.
You know what's cool? Art. As humans, we've done so much evil. We kill each other en masse over the…
On March 5th (depending on your time zone), a Twitter account named Pup Davey (NSFW) tweeted out a poll asking…
Tarro: Hello dear readers! Today's a special day here, we're joined by the one and only ZT Horse! He's been…
As a somewhat prominent member of the zoo community, I get asked to do interviews a LOT. I would say…
Today, we’re going to be talking about “zoo parties.” I’m sure you’ve seen them on Twitter, or wherever else you…
Hello dear readers! It's expensive running a magazine! We've got lights to keep on and our pens keep running out…
Have you ever fired a gun? Felt the kickback in your hand as you project a tiny metal object at…
There have certainly been times where being someone who loves animals has been much more socially accepted. And, assuming the…
Is sex bad? Simple question. Complicated answer. And not just when it comes to zoo stuff either. We've clearly come…
Hi there! Are you into guys that are toned, but don't necessarily look like a body builder? Are you into…
I've been a zoo for a long time. I've been an active part of the community now for a year…
Hi there, fair warning ahead of time, this article deals with serious subject matter. If you're the type to be…
It was very late into a warm summer evening in New York City. The streets were dark and quiet, but…
So what even is consent? I'm serious. It seems like an easy to understand thing, but for something so universally…
This one is for all you debate bros (and broettes). Have you ever wanted to know how to be a…
Hello dear readers and welcome back to Zooey Dot Pub! We hope you had a great holiday season of whatever…
Hi there readers! It's nearly the end of another year, crazy to think about isn't it? I always get this…
Hi there, Tarro here! Did you find the picture above sexy? If so, you might not want to hear this,…
League of Legends. Zoosexuality. To some, those two things may seem like they have very little in common. But what…
Okay, maybe not literally, but there are actually a ton of similarities when you think about it. Sure, most of…
I want more zoos. I want the cool barista at my local coffee shop to have a zoo pride flag…
Meeting people is scary. Meeting zoos is extra scary. Especially ones you don’t already know. Recently I was at BLFC.
As a society we sure do seem to love interviews. From the classic late night shows, to mix ups like…
“I don’t see anyone on the right pushing for sex with animals.” -Mindy Robinson (@iheartmindy) The other day a somewhat…
Tarro: Hey there readers! It's been a while since we've had an interview, but today we've lined up something really…
Imagine you were in a forest and a wolf walked up to you. They said: “Hey there human, don’t be…
Humans can't consent. It's true. They can't. As someone who's only had sex with animals, I feel like it's my…
Have you heard of the "Slippery Slope" argument before? It goes something like this. Say it's your birthday, and to…
Recently, I had the absolutely pleasure of attending Eurofurence with a group of other zoos. Some of them are zoos…
I've been called a lot of things since I've started this whole journey. Some of them have been good, a…
Hi friends, let's talk about animals. I think we can all agree they're pretty damn cool. And not just Dogs,…
Let's talk about the future. The place we're all heading to. I think it's fair to say that for most…
I think it's fair to say at this point that everyone knows that dating animals is based and awesome and…
If you're someone who consumes much media, and especially if you're a queer person, here's a trope that I'm sure…
It kind of sucks when people hate you. Especially when it's just for being yourself. It's not a great feeling…
Hello and welcome to the end of Zoo Pride Week 2023! Tomorrow we'll be diving right back into our regular…
Hello again! Weird to see you this many times in a week. And on a Tuesday no less! Hope your…
So as particularly observant readers may have noticed, we did not put up articles last week. It was our first…
Alright, let me preface this by saying that the concept of “animal ownership” in itself is a little bit weird.
Hi there readers! Sometimes we like to write articles based off of questions we recieve on Twitter from nice people…
When I first began my journey as a public zoo, I knew I was going to get lots of questions.
"Trans rights are human rights" is a term used by trans activists to convey the idea that since trans people…
Hello there readers! Today we'll be determining if Avatar, as well as Avatar 2: Way of Water, are zooey. If…
Alts. They're very much the expected in the zoo community. Outside of a few brave souls, most people engage with…
T: Hello and welcome to Zooey Dot Pub. As long time readers will know, I've had a bit of a…
As a species, we sure seem to love putting on costumes. Becoming something we’re not is a narrative that’s existed…
Everyone knows about “The power of friendship.” It’s a trope I’m sure that you’ve seen at least a couple of…
For a “Zoosexual Lifestyle and Advocacy” magazine, we sure do write a lot of words. And while that’s very helpful…
The Zooey Dot Pub twitter account currently has 3643 followers at time of writing. Probably by July it’ll pass 4000.
League of Legends. The number one eSport in the world. One of the largest global games of the past decade…
This article contains discussion of pornography. It’s not graphic, but it’s very much the central focus. Reader discretion is advised.
Consent is one of the biggest talking points when it comes to the “validity” of sex with animals. You could…
A Zoosexual is someone attracted to animals. A Homosexual (short of course for Homosapien-Sexual) is someone attracted to homosapiens. I…
Valentine’s Day, the day of the year where we cherish our loved ones and take the time to really give…
As the zoo movement grows larger and larger, there’s going to be more eyes on our community. And while there…
Okay, let’s get real for a second. There are some very sexy animals out there. Dogs, wolves, horses, possums. There’s…
Here at Zooey, one thing that we really believe is going to be necessary for the advancement of the “zooey…
Tarro: Hello and welcome to this interview! Today dear readers you are in for a treat. We’re joined by the…
Hello and welcome to 2023! I’ve always loved the new year. It’s a time for shaking off the ails of…
Hi there. This is the direct sequel to another article that I’ve written about grooming. The first part dealt with…
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. It’s a saying that’s been around for ages. It’s a…
Hi there, Tarro here. Today’s article is going to be a little bit different. It’s officially been one year since…
noun: grooming /ˈɡro͞omiNG/ 1. The practice of brushing and cleaning the coat of a horse, dog, or other animal. The…
As zoos, we tend to find ourselves frequently up against the concept of consent. “Animals can’t consent” is one of…
Tarro: Before we start things off, I just wanted to check. I know DSI is pretty secretive with its members,…
As zoos, we’re people who tend to love and care about animals. We see animals as creatures with personhood and…
T: Welcome to Zooey Magazine! My name is Tarro and today we have an extra special interview for you. Today…
I love furry conventions. I’ve been to a lot of them in my life. The farthest I’ve ever travelled from…
Dear readers, today I learned about something horrifying. Something so utterly disgusting and vile that I couldn’t even believe my…
Tarro: Hello! We’re joined today by Steve with a lot of eeeee’s because I know that’s how you like it.
We here at Zooey Magazine just passed a pretty huge milestone. One thousand Twitter followers. In fact, because of all…
Tarro: Hello zip and welcome to Zooey! Thanks so much for doing this! You’re probably one of the number one…
Pretty much every zoo with a public account somewhere has faced backlash about their identity in one form or another.
Art is one of the most powerful things that the human race has ever created. The idea that a picture…
Tarro: Hey there! Thank you so much for taking the time to do not only this, but also to write…
Is zoosexuality part of the LGBTQ movement? It’s a complicated question that has persisted for many years. There’s been a…
Privacy is incredibly important for zoosexuals. Taking steps to maintain your privacy while engaging with zoo content is an unfortunate…
It’s hard not to share the things you like with the people closest to you. When you watch a particularly…
Warning: This article deals with potentially distressing themes. Reader discretion is advised. When I was younger, my sister decided to…
“Why are you attracted to animals?” I get that question a lot from people. Sometimes it’s because they want to…
Hi, Tarro here. I felt like this article needed a bit of a preface just to give some context. This…
Is zoosexuality ever going to be legalized? Is the social stigma around zoosexuality ever going to go away? Are we…
Since the start of civilization, humans and animals have worked together. Part of what made humans so successful so early…
Pokemon is one of the most beloved franchises of the last nearly three decades. It’s the highest grossing IP world…
Tarro: Thanks for taking the time to chat with me! So, it’s funny. It was a struggle trying to figure…
To whomever this concerns Hi, my name is Tarro. That’s not my real name, but it’s the one that I…