Being A Zoophile Helped With Gender Dysphoria

Hi! Growing up, I always thought of myself as a boy. I never really struggled with it or questioned it back then. I was always told that I was a boy, and I was told that being a boy was a good thing. I was happy to "be a man," be tough, suck it up.
But like. Looking back on this scenario as an adult, I have some notes. I think it would have been nice if I had understood earlier in my life that there were other options. That I didn't have to carry this burden of whatever I was stuck with, that I could be one of the girls instead if I wanted to, that I could decide whether I was into this "boy" thing or not. I think it would have been neat if I had known from a young age that being trans or genderqueer was a real possibility.
Nowadays, I use she/her pronouns. As I sit here and type this article, I have a lot of cute stubble on my face, and I still prefer she/her, and I'm going to let my face hair grow out even more while still liking she/her. I like to wear pants and shirts or dresses. I kind of shy away from being called a woman. I don't exactly enjoy being called a man either. "Good girl" is perfect for me.
I'm very attracted to dogs, so, facial hair on a woman isn't exactly scary to me. As a zoophile, pretty much all of the women I'm attracted to have hairy faces. I think that being a zoo has helped me a lot in terms of gender: I think it has helped me to see gender not as black or white, but as a multi dimensional colorful thing that can be done all kinds of different ways. Me having a little bit of a beard is all the better to kiss dogs with. And, in my experience, dogs don't exactly care whether I'm wearing the jeans or the dress today, so they are very safe people to try out new outfits with.
In a world with men's restrooms and women's restrooms, M or F checkboxes on drivers licenses, and Sir or Ma'am as forms of addressing someone, I think it's easy for the average person to believe that someone has to present themselves as fully male or fully female. Like, if you've never really thought about it much, then it's probably easy to think that someone who is transgender always wants to go 100% of the way to the other side: if they were assigned male, then they now want to get on HRT and get surgery and change their voice and wear different clothes, until they are indistinguishable from someone who was assigned female at birth. And that is a valid thing that a lot of people want to do, but, personally I'm happy to be more in the middle, and I think that I have animals to thank for it. I am happy to be like mares and she-wolves. Strong, powerful, bad bitches. Playful and caring. A very good girl. I am happy to know that thinking of myself as she/her has not made dogs any less attracted to me.
I am out here living my best life: being a zoophile who uses she/her pronouns and has really cute stubble right now, I wouldn't choose to have it any other way.
Article written by Dogteeth (July 2024)
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