Horse talk

People don’t think enough about horses. They’re amazing, beautiful creatures. But in the grand scheme of the zoo community at large, they can really go overlooked. Sometimes I feel like a tiny little voice advocating for horses in a sea of canine-attracted people. But I understand, because it’s becoming increasingly difficult for people to be around horses. There are some people that have never even been able to see a horse in person. That’s exactly why I was prompted to give more insight on how horses are, psychologically, the correct way to see and treat them, and how you can find ways to spend time with them (even for free!). I also want to put less focus on their genitalia and sexuality, as I see way too many people reducing them to that. Unlike dogs, horses are generally wary of strangers. They need to know and trust you before opening up and being themselves, so in this article I will try to cover how you can meet horses and the way you should act on your end. Horses can be very dangerous if they ever feel threatened, if you do something they dislike, or if you repeatedly ignore their body language. Some horses have more patience than others, so it’s very important to take their feelings into consideration.
One of the reasons horses are so dearly loved by people who have had the luck to be around them is their individually unique and great personalities. It is almost impossible to find two horses that act the same way and like the same things. Each one of them is unique in their own way, and even more so if raised right, leaving room for them to explore and think of what they like, without harsh training.
Just like humans, some can be introverted and reserved, while others will be outgoing and extroverted to no end. They’re very social animals and strongly bond with whoever they consider part of their herd. They’re also extremely sensitive and quickly understand and respond to the emotions of other horses, humans, or even other species like dogs. In my opinion, the incredible ease in which they can know how others are feeling, and find ways to cheer them up, sets them apart from many other species.
Horses and humans are able to form incredibly strong bonds that will last a lifetime, but it requires patience and lots of understanding, never pushing their boundaries, and letting them know yours. I should point out that, in the eyes of a horse, they don’t need you for anything even if you can be a great ally. Unlike a dog, they don’t need you to feed them, or for you to provide them shelter, especially if you keep them in a large enough piece of forest. But if you get to respect and love them, they can even fall in love with you and the bond will be the strongest thing you can imagine. They’ll provide you with the greatest sense of connection with nature and the outdoors.
One of the ways to build a strong bond with a horse is through communication. Communication between a horse and a human partner must involve the use of non-verbal language. It’s extremely important to fully learn and understand the horse’s body language, never rushing the learning curve, and to be able to respond to it quickly. Understanding the horse’s body language will help you to deeply understand the horse’s emotions and feelings at any given point.
Feeding them fruit, grooming regularly, providing adequate medical attention, talking to them with a soft voice, keeping their living space clean and comfortable, making sure they’re not suffering from depression or anxiety and giving them lots of space are some of the things that will gain the trust, love and respect of a horse.
So, with that, I’d like to give tips on how you can be around horses in no time!
-Join your local Club or Organization
Contrary to what you may think, you don’t need to own a horse to be able to join one. These clubs and organizations usually need people volunteering or helping during events. In my area, when you’re working as a volunteer, it will be free for you and any traveling expenses will be paid. You’ll also get a free sandwich or something to eat during events or competitions. And if you’re persistent enough, you can be granted a small salary or be offered jobs.
-Organized Rides
These are good for anyone who doesn’t have the time to spend weekends traveling. You will get to meet a horse and ride with them through nice forests or areas. They’re typically the most docile horses you can find. They’ll quickly connect with you and will try to keep you safe. They’re used to people and usually enjoy riding.
If you’re like me growing up and don’t really have money to spend, this is something I highly recommend. With just some weeks of studying you can start taking care of horses at local farms, and some farmers will even pay you a modest amount for it. I recommend doing jobs that don’t require direct interaction (i.e. cleaning the stables or their water troughs once every 3-5 days) until you start understanding their body language and you’ve been told the boundaries for each horse.
-Equine-Assisted Therapy
If you suffer any physical or mental condition, there are horses that have been specialized to provide therapy with humans. You can alternate between this and your regular therapist for the best experience. They’ll use their innate skills to find how they can make you feel safe, loved and happy. They’re not trained to just act that way, they’re only trained at being more empathic and trusting new people more.
-Horse Fairs
Horse fairs are really good to see and sometimes interact with many different horses for free. Be careful as in a lot of fairs the horses are a bit tense from the amount of people and loud sounds, but can’t pass on such an opportunity to boop snoots. As with all the other activities, you’ll also get to know more people that love horses very much, and everyone is typically very enthusiastic to show you their horses, stables, and give you tips on how to be around horses more. They may even provide opportunities to have your own horses.
If you now have the space and sufficient experience, you can save horses from the meat industry. Despite not being something we think about, lots of meat products come with horse meat, even when it’s labeled as beef (read 2013 horse meat scandal). If you are lucky, you can get information on horses that are being sold for this purpose and quickly jump in with a higher offer. This way you can save a healthy horse for about $200, or even lower if multiple are purchased. As with rescued dogs or cats, there is a big possibility that it’ll take a great deal of patience and persistence to make them recover from their past – but it can also be very enjoyable to see them sprout again.
Horses are just remarkable animals with incredibly amazing personalities and have connected with humans for centuries. The bond is unexplainable, and it involves trust, connection, and a sense of belonging. From companionship to transportation, horses have helped humans in so many ways and I believe it’s important we stop seeing them as just ‘big cock uwu’ or ‘mare pussy is the best pussy :3’.
That’s why I thought the most important bit is to explain to fellow zoosexuals the best ways I can think of to meet horses in real life and be able to appreciate them in a non-sexual way first. The joys and benefits of these noble animals are nearly impossible to put into words. In the near future I want to write another article on how is it to live with them on a daily basis, their romantic side, and other anecdotes, so if you’re interested in that, please let me know!
Thank you for reading and I hope this is useful to you^^
Article written by Kara (April 2023)
Find her at
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