It's Fun Having Zooey Stuff

Hi! I'm a zoophile, and I like dogs. Standing in line at the grocery store, I can see people in line ahead of me with all kinds of things on display of what they like: Christian tattoos of crosses and scripture, cool pins on their backpacks with pot leaves and DO CRIME slogans, red Trump shirts and hats, stuff with Gears of War or Bloodborne or whatever popular game they personally got into.

None of those are things that I care about at all, ngl, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to go bother them about it, it just means that that stuff isn't what I care about.

I love having zoo things! In the same way that some people like having early-access Halo Xbox accessories, or other people like having Patreon exlusives from content creators that they follow, I like ZOO STUFF. I enjoy having physical, tactile objects pertaining to zoophilia, things that remind me of my zoophile friends, things that represent pride in the zoophilic relationships that I've been fortunate enough to be involved in in my life.

It's normal to like having things related to what you like! It's normal to be a zoophile. And I am a zoophile who likes being a zoo and likes having zoo things :3 so, these are some of the zoo things that I have, that I'm proud of!

Dog Collar Tags

So, in a lot of supermarkets, there are these machines that will let you buy a metal tag for a dog collar, with like a custom name engraved onto it, that the machine will do for you right there.

I'm kinda a regular at these machines lately.

Because, as far as I know, these engraving machines don't have any kind of content filters on them. You can DEFINITELY get one with your preferred name on it, if you're trans and like "Meggie" over "Jacob" or whatever, the machine HAS NO IDEA that "Meggie" is for you, GO for it. It's not gonna scrutinize, it's not gonna go "I think this is for a TRANS PERSON, NOT A DOG!!" It doesn't care, I think! Try it with a name you think you might like, if you want something gender affirming!

But also, yeah I got it to engrave me tags that had words like ZETA, Zoophile, as far as I know these machines will just go ahead with whatever you manage to put into the text fields.

You can't get any literal zeta symbols on the ones that I tried, sadly, because they only had A-Z in English letters, and no other language options. But still, A-Z represents a lot of words you can spell!

And like, it seems unlikely to me that anyone cares, even people passing by you irl. I got a tag that said "STINKY ZOOPHILE" on one side, and "Z.E.T.A." on the other, and probably 40 other store customers walked past me while I was using the machine to get it made. And I was fine. Nobody saw that I was doing weird queer stuff, I don't think anyone noticed whatsoever. People are up to weird stuff all the time! Maybe, while I was trying to get a zeta to appear on this dog collar machine, nobody noticed because they were distracted by somebody else who was trying to get a cart unstuck from another cart. Maybe they were on their phone complaining to their partner about being subscribed to too many streaming services. Zoophilia is VERY low on most people's day-to-day chat topics. I bet that even if some people did see exactly what I was typing into this machine, they would be halfway to sporting goods and then forget what they were going to say about me to the person on the other end of their phone call.

Meanwhile I get to walk away with a couple of cool new zooey dog tags in my pocket, to go put on my collar.

Zoo Stickers

I am so shy about actually putting zoo stickers down, not gonna lie. I'm out as a zoo to almost everybody in my life, but like, I just don't feel comfy with messing with anyone else's stuff. I glance every which way, and if I see that any other pedestrian at all can see me about to deface public property, I keep the secret zooey sticker in my pocket, and don't stick it on the back of a stop sign or whatever else I had my zooey eyes on. I applaud it when I see others have slapped zoo stickers somewhere, or even spray painted some zooey stuff on a wall, that all rules, but I just personally am not up to it, unfortunately.

But I DO love having zoo stickers, just in my drawer :3c

And I like sticking them on my own stuff.

I do a bit of hobbyist computer stuff, and a bit of hobbyist music stuff, so I have a bunch of different gadgets that I can put all these stickers on, that have animals posing to the viewer, with little zooey slogans on them. Or I can stick them up in my own room. Or, yeah, I can just keep them in a folder with all of my other private papers, secretly giddy that I have these zooey little sticky thingies that are a bunch of secret zooey fun.

I've gotten zooey stickers by asking. I've gotten zooey stickers just by being in the same room as other zoos, when stickers happened to be being passed around. No matter the circumstances, I've always been really happy to get zooey stickers handed to me :3

Furry Stuff

So, I love to flaunt literal zetas in my everyday life, but in addition to that, I also like to flaunt furry stuff. Furry stuff is basically like being a public zoo, as far as anyone cares, minus like, any perception of there actually being punishable crimes.

I think over 90 percent of people don't really know or care what a furry is, in detail. They maybe saw some vague thing about fursuiters on the news once, or know that furries are the cartoon animal people they see on socials sometimes, and that's about it. Most people won't even clock you having an anthro character on your shirt as anything weird.

Wear around a lanyard that says "I'M A FURRY I VIEW ART OF ANTHROPOMORPHIC ANIMAL CHARACTERS EVERY DAY AND I STRONGLY RESONATE WITH IT," and I think that it's possible someone comments on it right away, but I think it's also possible that like a year passes before someone even mentions it in passing.

Animals are like, pretty normal, to have represented in your personal iconography. People really might not notice if those animals have two legs or four. And a lot of people are polite and don't want to get involved in your personal animal outlook. People really might not actually care a whole lot if you're like "I like to pet dogs," or "I llllllove to pet DOGS <3"

I love to pet dogs, personally, and I've also been complimented by lots of people on merch that I got from a furry convention.


So anyways, I really enjoy animaling it up in my everyday life, and overall it's gone over pretty well. Maybe I am just appropriately careful, maybe I'm just lucky so far. But, a lot of people don't seem to care that much when they see me with a dog collar on, or see me getting zoo stickers out of the mail while wagging my metaphorical tail.

I like being a zoo, and I like having zooey stuff in my zooey lil paws. It makes me happy :3

Article written by Dogteeth (February 2025)

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