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Zooey Dot Pub!

The first zoosexual lifestyle magazine featuring articles by community members.


noun: grooming /ˈɡro͞omiNG/ 1. The practice of brushing and cleaning the coat of a horse, dog, or other animal. The…

Programming with dogs!

For people who have never written any code, it can be easy to think that computer programming is some arcane…

On Spaying and Neutering

As zoos, we tend to find ourselves frequently up against the concept of consent. “Animals can’t consent” is one of…

We aren't your debate

The dog who my family had growing up loved taking me on adventurous long walks all over the city. She…

Interview with Mike of DSI

Tarro: Before we start things off, I just wanted to check. I know DSI is pretty secretive with its members,…

Are animals people?

As zoos, we’re people who tend to love and care about animals. We see animals as creatures with personhood and…

A review of the PACT act

On November 25th, 2019 President Donald Trump made what should have been one of the least controversial moves of his…