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Zooey Dot Pub!

The first zoosexual lifestyle magazine featuring articles by community members.

It's Fun Having Zooey Stuff

Hi! I'm a zoophile, and I like dogs. Standing in line at the grocery store, I can see people in…

Attraction is Weird

Hey you! What are you attracted to? Animals? Humans? Males? Females? Let's get more specific here. What kinds of animals?…

Stoat: Friend or Foe.

Understand, I’ve never been a spokesperson. I’m not a role model, I’m not a creative author, and I'm certainly controversial.

On Monetization

Let's say I want to make a movie. I can do a lot of cool work with just the tools…

On the Zeta Principles

I want to make something clear as we start this article off. I have nothing against the Zeta Principles. I…

Bell Curves

Have you ever heard of a bell curve? It's a kind of shape that some graphs end up with, when…

City Tips for Dogs!

Every city in the entire world has three things: humans, animals, and hazards. As animal-loving humans, we want to use…

First Loves

The new year has come, a time of change and new happiness. But can the new exist without the old,…