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Zooey Dot Pub!

The first zoosexual lifestyle magazine featuring articles by community members.

How to Write an Article (1)

Awoooooooo! Hi :3 I think it's really fun to chat with people on the internet, and getting to write articles…

How to Write an Article

You should write an article! Yes, you! Reading this right now! Did you know that this online magazine of ours,…

Zoo Pride Week 2024 (Part 2)

Hey there! Tarro here! Happy Zoo Pride 2024! With the first of our pride articles, we focused a lot on…

Zoo Pride Week 2024 (Part 1) 

Happy Zoo Pride Week, Zooples! This is local Floof Woff-Brand here, and over the past 9 months I've had the…


Hey there. Tarro here. Today I want to talk about something I've been seeing a lot of talk about in…


You know what's kinda weird? The infantilization of animals in our culture. We have these amazing, wonderful animals in our…

Are Zoosexuals Accepted?

Awoo! Hi! Alissa here again, long-time writer for this project, Zooey Dot Pub. I wanted to talk today about something…

Warm Weather Tips 

Wow boy it sure is hot out there! At least for most of our readers anyway. We see you Australia…

Why Be Mean?

In the air, you can smell that someone is making coffee. Birds outside of your window are chirping and swooping…

Two Whole Years!

Hey, Tarro here! You wanna know something kinda crazy? We've officially been running this little magazine of ours for two…