Secret Zoo Agenda April Report DO NOT PUBLISH

SECRET - This report is made for only the eyes of Zoosexual Pride Project (ZPP) showrunners. ZPP to be included this month are: Zooier Than Thou, Zoo & Me, any Zoo Memes, Zoo Community, Zoocadia, and Zooey Dot Pub.
Authored by: Dogchurch.
Reviewed by: Tarro.
Summary: The groundwork for the online zoo pride community is incredibly strong, and only proving . Our analysis is that breaking in to the mainstream news bubble is almost an inevitability within the next year, and various pride projects such as the Zooey Dot Pub Discord and the Zooier Than Thou podcast will see broadcast news coverage. We are very well positioned to receive this attention, and this attention will only spread awareness to even more zoos who weren’t aware there was so much going on.
Full report:
The ability for closeted zoos to access resources to help them feel better about themselves is at an all time high. From podcasts to conversational platforms, zoos who may not yet have become a part of the community themselves are able to improve their self esteem, learn how to lead ethical lives regarding non humans, and realize that they are truly not alone.
In the face of growing visibility, the community has been faced by loud detractors, and has not been hindered by them. Far from it, anti-zoos doing their kicking and screaming are usually laughed at by zoos, who then continue about their day, conversing with other zoos and making zoo memes and taking care of our animal companions, if any.
We see a pattern of some event happening that draws greater attention to the zoo community. Some quote-retweet from a very large account, some internet celebrity touching on the topic in some way at least every month the community a of attention. While I am not currently aware of any community podcasts having been featured on Fox or CNN, we are indeed on the radar of many online news content creators. And, as TV news increasingly becomes the “what happened on the internet today” channel, we seem more likely than not to be what happened on the internet today, one of these days.
Moving on from the Big Important Serious Stuff (BISS), we move on to some smaller, or at least, more day to day matters. Matters of interest.
Zooey Dot Pub is operating within normal parameters. We do wish to be our goal of publishing guest pieces more frequently, but all the same, the team foresees no issue continuing production at a rate of two articles per week. The Discord is seeing growth month over monthll in all a lively ecosystem for zoos.
Zooey Dot Pub’s Informants AKA “Researchers” (IAKA”R”) have been letting us know of some upcoming zoo projects coming through the pipeline. As they are Top Secret they can not be discussed in specificity in this report. This is only to say, a variety of things are ahead, some just fun novelty for zoos to play around with, others perhaps will serve zoos in more important ways. Talented zooey hands have been keeping very busy, teeheehee.
The Zooey Dot Pub animal staff have been keeping happy and healthy. The alpacas who recently joined have settled in just fine, at first we weren’t sure we would know how to feed them and stuff like that, but now that they’ve been here a month it feels like we’ve taken care of nineteen alpacas all our lives. Quincy, the little guy German Shepherd, has been a champ about getting his teeth brushed as we’ve been making sure to establish good habits like that with him. The other eleven dogs are good too, and getting plenty of attention as we fawn over them to find important dog details to put in the articles, little remarks on the swirls of their curly coat or the way they wag and smile when you say a little thing to them that they appreciate.
All in all, as we look back on it from the beginnings of April, March was a good month for zooey visibility, zooey pride, zooey defiance, zooey kissing animals, zooey projects, and the zooey community all around. Here’s to continuing the upward trend!
Hail animals! Hail zoos! Hail pride!
Report written by Alissa Dogchurch (April 2024)
No questions, comments, or concerns necessary