Community Issues (90)

On Anonymity

Hi there! You know what's kinda weird? The fact that right now you're reading words on a screen, as opposed…

It's Fun Having Zooey Stuff

Hi! I'm a zoophile, and I like dogs. Standing in line at the grocery store, I can see people in…

Attraction is Weird

Hey you! What are you attracted to? Animals? Humans? Males? Females? Let's get more specific here. What kinds of animals?…

On Monetization

Let's say I want to make a movie. I can do a lot of cool work with just the tools…

On the Zeta Principles

I want to make something clear as we start this article off. I have nothing against the Zeta Principles. I…

Bell Curves

Have you ever heard of a bell curve? It's a kind of shape that some graphs end up with, when…

2024 Year in Review

Time sure does fly when you're having fun doesn't it? Another amazing year has gone by and here we are…

The Siren Song of Zoo Culture

It was just a regular old school day for me. Having to pay attention to what the teachers were saying…

Zoophona: Zoo Noises as a Language

Every secret society needs a language, and the zoo community is no exception. For too long now have our conversations…

Why Birds are Cool

Hello there! As a zoosexual, who is living with 3 parrots and 1 pigeon and is mainly attracted to birds,…

Talking about Sex Ed

Hey there, Tarro here! Brief foreword so everyone is on the same page going into this. Just to be super…

Zoo Culture

You know what's pretty cool? Culture. It's basically the building block of society, and yet we never really think about…

On Secrets

Can I tell you a secret? I'm serious, can I? Can you be trusted with something I don't want people…

Accomplishing Things

There's a criticism that we here at the magazine, and I think really all zoo activism gets that I wanted…


Life is busy and there are so many things vying for our attention and our time. So many things we…

Being Yourself (Part 2)

Hi there! Quick disclaimer! If you didn't notice, this is part two of an article. We've already laid the groundwork…

Being Yourself (Part 1)

I really like video essays. I do a lot of writing (as you may or may not have guessed), and…

In Seeking Zoo Acceptance IRL

Some zoos are walking along through a pride festival: Zoo 1: "So many flags! I will scream if we see…

On Lies

I want to start this article off with an apology. I'm sorry. I've lied to you. At least, probably. Unless…

Zoo Pride Week 2024 (Part 2)

Hey there! Tarro here! Happy Zoo Pride 2024! With the first of our pride articles, we focused a lot on…

Zoo Pride Week 2024 (Part 1) 

Happy Zoo Pride Week, Zooples! This is local Floof Woff-Brand here, and over the past 9 months I've had the…


Hey there. Tarro here. Today I want to talk about something I've been seeing a lot of talk about in…

On Preserving our History

I don’t know about you, but I love to see artifacts from zoo history. I was delighted one time I…

Art Theft

You know what's cool? Art. As humans, we've done so much evil. We kill each other en masse over the…

Interview with ZT Horse

Tarro: Hello dear readers! Today's a special day here, we're joined by the one and only ZT Horse! He's been…

Getting involved

A dog barks, stiffly gets up from his slumber on the couch, and trots to the door barking and barking,…

Zoo Activism

I've been a zoo for a long time. I've been an active part of the community now for a year…


"every time I get high I remember just how much I love animals and realize how often I have to…

Feral "Art"

Hi there, Tarro here! Did you find the picture above sexy? If so, you might not want to hear this,…

Therapy for Zoos

Life can often get very hard. It can get hard from running into struggles on the way through it. It…

I Want More Zoos

I want more zoos. I want the cool barista at my local coffee shop to have a zoo pride flag…

The Elephant Under the Table

Have you seen what’s under the kitchen table? What! You can’t see him? He’s right there! I mean sure he’s…

Zooey Media Training

As a society we sure do seem to love interviews. From the classic late night shows, to mix ups like…

Zooey Politics

“I don’t see anyone on the right pushing for sex with animals.” -Mindy Robinson (@iheartmindy) The other day a somewhat…

Non Zoo Voices

Imagine you were in a forest and a wolf walked up to you. They said: “Hey there human, don’t be…

Zoosexuality at a Glance

“Some animals are beautiful to look at.” That seems like a fair enough sentence, right? I think most people could…

On Fear

I've been called a lot of things since I've started this whole journey. Some of them have been good, a…

A Perfect Zooey Future

Let's talk about the future. The place we're all heading to. I think it's fair to say that for most…

Making Fun of Hate

It kind of sucks when people hate you. Especially when it's just for being yourself. It's not a great feeling…

Dating a Female Animal

My partner is a female dog. I’m not just saying this because I ran out of ideas to start this…

Am I a Zoo?

When I first began my journey as a public zoo, I knew I was going to get lots of questions.

You are your Alt

Alts. They're very much the expected in the zoo community. Outside of a few brave souls, most people engage with…

A Reminder to Stay Defiant

My time in the online zoo community has been relatively short compared to some, I’ve only been around for about…

A Zooey Project Wish List

Since about 2019, the zoo community has entered a new era where we're seeing all kinds of zooey projects come…

Fursona vs Zoosona

As a species, we sure seem to love putting on costumes. Becoming something we’re not is a narrative that’s existed…

The Power of Friendship

Everyone knows about “The power of friendship.” It’s a trope I’m sure that you’ve seen at least a couple of…

It's Real

It’s a little bit interesting how when telling people that my dog is my partner, I often find that the…

So many zoos!

The Zooey Dot Pub twitter account currently has 3643 followers at time of writing. Probably by July it’ll pass 4000.


Today I’d like to talk about a subject that zoos seem to have mixed feelings on the ethics of: Fencehopping!…

We Need Better Porn

This article contains discussion of pornography. It’s not graphic, but it’s very much the central focus. Reader discretion is advised.

It's Someone You Know

Studies on just how common feelings of animal attraction are can be a difficult undertaking. For one thing, you are…

A Thought Experiment

Consent is one of the biggest talking points when it comes to the “validity” of sex with animals. You could…

Fathoming The Unfathomable Questions

This discussion piece was originally written for a furry audience, but is primarily a discussion about animal and human interactions,…

Finding Human Relationships as a Zoo

A Zoosexual is someone attracted to animals. A Homosexual (short of course for Homosapien-Sexual) is someone attracted to homosapiens. I…

How to deal with curious people

As the zoo movement grows larger and larger, there’s going to be more eyes on our community. And while there…

Art can be Activism

The Marvel movies are omnipresent as a cultural touchstone, going far beyond a niche nerdy interest and asserting themselves solidly…

A Zooey Look at Mastodon

What is Mastodon? Ever since Elon Musk took over Twitter, there has been a substantial amount of talk about an…

Grooming Part 2

Hi there. This is the direct sequel to another article that I’ve written about grooming. The first part dealt with…

Zoosexuality in the Mainstream

When spending too much time in toxic spaces like Twitter or high school, it can be easy to think that…

On Spaying and Neutering

As zoos, we tend to find ourselves frequently up against the concept of consent. “Animals can’t consent” is one of…

We aren't your debate

The dog who my family had growing up loved taking me on adventurous long walks all over the city. She…

Are animals people?

As zoos, we’re people who tend to love and care about animals. We see animals as creatures with personhood and…

Consent and Ableism

Consent and Ableism in the wider Internet Community Having grown up in a time where sexuality and kink was all…

The Power of the Audience

Art is one of the most powerful things that the human race has ever created. The idea that a picture…

Zoosexuality and the LGBTQ

Is zoosexuality part of the LGBTQ movement? It’s a complicated question that has persisted for many years. There’s been a…

Online Privacy for Zoos

Privacy is incredibly important for zoosexuals. Taking steps to maintain your privacy while engaging with zoo content is an unfortunate…

Tips for coming out

It’s hard not to share the things you like with the people closest to you. When you watch a particularly…

The problem with "pets"

Since the start of civilization, humans and animals have worked together. Part of what made humans so successful so early…

Time for Change

“The 7:34am train is now cancelled, the next train is at 8:06am” Oh, great… Thankfully, I’d spotted an empty seat…


The FAQ has moved! As the magazine has gone on, we’ve had more time to gain an even better understanding…