Meta (28)

Meet the Team! 

Hello dear readers! Tarro here! We sure have been doing this for a while now, haven't we. We aren't quite…

Write an article! 

Cats are so cool. I love the way that they're so sleek, the way you can see the way they're…

Stoat: Friend or Foe.

Understand, I’ve never been a spokesperson. I’m not a role model, I’m not a creative author, and I'm certainly controversial.

2024 Year in Review

Time sure does fly when you're having fun doesn't it? Another amazing year has gone by and here we are…

Being Yourself (Part 2)

Hi there! Quick disclaimer! If you didn't notice, this is part two of an article. We've already laid the groundwork…

Being Yourself (Part 1)

I really like video essays. I do a lot of writing (as you may or may not have guessed), and…

So Our Domain Dropped Us

Oh, hi again! Tarro here. We've been gone for a couple weeks, but now we're back! Wow! We should be…

How to Write an Article (1)

Awoooooooo! Hi :3 I think it's really fun to chat with people on the internet, and getting to write articles…

How to Write an Article

You should write an article! Yes, you! Reading this right now! Did you know that this online magazine of ours,…

Two Whole Years!

Hey, Tarro here! You wanna know something kinda crazy? We've officially been running this little magazine of ours for two…

A Normal Day

One evening, you're standing there behind the counter at your gas station job, bored. Everything is stocked, everything is clean,…

Setting Goals for 2024!

Hello dear readers and welcome back to Zooey Dot Pub! We hope you had a great holiday season of whatever…

2023 Year in Review

Hi there readers! It's nearly the end of another year, crazy to think about isn't it? I always get this…

Why Being a Zoosexual is the Best

In agricultural societies, the sources from which carbohydrates are derived is the cornerstone on which all else is built. Fields…

Zoo Pride 2023 Day 2

Hello again! Weird to see you this many times in a week. And on a Tuesday no less! Hope your…

So our host dropped us

So as particularly observant readers may have noticed, we did not put up articles last week. It was our first…

Zooey Dot Pub Discord!

Interested in discussing articles from this magazine? Just want to hang out with a bunch of zoos? Find the Zooey…

You are your Alt

Alts. They're very much the expected in the zoo community. Outside of a few brave souls, most people engage with…

2022 year in review

Hello and welcome to 2023! I’ve always loved the new year. It’s a time for shaking off the ails of…


Interested in donating to support the magazine? You can do so here! LiberaPay functions like Patreon in that donations…

Tarro's One Year Party!

Hi there, Tarro here. Today’s article is going to be a little bit different. It’s officially been one year since…

1000 Followers Celebration!

We here at Zooey Magazine just passed a pretty huge milestone. One thousand Twitter followers. In fact, because of all…

Contact Us

If you’re looking to give us suggestions, feedback, or submit an article, feel free to send in your idea using…

About Us!

Welcome to Zooey Dot Pub! Zooey Dot Pub is the first zoosexual lifestyle magazine featuring curated articles by community members.