Personal Story (59)

Meet the Team! 

Hello dear readers! Tarro here! We sure have been doing this for a while now, haven't we. We aren't quite…

What are Zoosexuals?

Last weekend, I did something really fun. I hung out with some other zoos. It was me, my boyfriend, my…

A Message to Anti Zoos

Hello there reader. Assuming you are in fact my target audience for this article, then you are an anti zoo,…

Finding Home

The zoo community is a rather tight-knit group, and even though there are thousands (or more) of us out there,…

Attraction is Weird

Hey you! What are you attracted to? Animals? Humans? Males? Females? Let's get more specific here. What kinds of animals?…

Stoat: Friend or Foe.

Understand, I’ve never been a spokesperson. I’m not a role model, I’m not a creative author, and I'm certainly controversial.

First Loves

The new year has come, a time of change and new happiness. But can the new exist without the old,…

Zoo Con 2024

It’s 2:00 AM Central Time and I’m sitting in the lobby of the Donald E. Stephens convention center in Rosemont…

I'm a zoophile. And that's ok.

I, like probably most people reading this, am a Zoophile. And learning this about myself was a long and complicated…

The Siren Song of Zoo Culture

It was just a regular old school day for me. Having to pay attention to what the teachers were saying…

Today's Zoos

Hello, I am WOF. Lately I've been feeling quite sentimental over the fortune we have as zoos to live in…

Our Walk

Ready with a grey jacket on and blue plastic bags in the back pocket of my jeans, I stand near…

The Sticker War

A few years ago, there was a shift in the Furry Fandom; a change in attitude and outlook that reverberates…

Being Yourself (Part 2)

Hi there! Quick disclaimer! If you didn't notice, this is part two of an article. We've already laid the groundwork…

In Seeking Zoo Acceptance IRL

Some zoos are walking along through a pride festival: Zoo 1: "So many flags! I will scream if we see…

Dogs are Gross

Dogs do a lot of things that are pretty gross, huh? I want to give a trigger warning early on,…

The Anti to Zoo Pipeline

There's an interesting phenomenon in any social movement where some members of the oppressed group end up as vocal opposition…

On Lies

I want to start this article off with an apology. I'm sorry. I've lied to you. At least, probably. Unless…

Zoo Pride Week 2024 (Part 2)

Hey there! Tarro here! Happy Zoo Pride 2024! With the first of our pride articles, we focused a lot on…

Are Zoosexuals Accepted?

Awoo! Hi! Alissa here again, long-time writer for this project, Zooey Dot Pub. I wanted to talk today about something…

Why Be Mean?

In the air, you can smell that someone is making coffee. Birds outside of your window are chirping and swooping…

 Zoosexuality in Real Life

Can't read our writing? Don't worry! The full text is at the bottom in a much more internet-legible format! I'm…

On Twitter

I turn the keys to my house and immediately hear a scamper of paws from behind the door. I open…

A Normal Day

One evening, you're standing there behind the counter at your gas station job, bored. Everything is stocked, everything is clean,…

Australia isn't Real

It's a very interesting experience to be told you're wrong about something that's in all ways just provably a fact.

Zoo Parties at Furry Conventions

Today, we’re going to be talking about “zoo parties.” I’m sure you’ve seen them on Twitter, or wherever else you…

Getting involved

A dog barks, stiffly gets up from his slumber on the couch, and trots to the door barking and barking,…

Dogs are Hot

Hi there! Are you into guys that are toned, but don't necessarily look like a body builder? Are you into…

Sleeping With a Dog

I was sitting in the living room of my apartment, talking with my roommate, having a good time. He was…

Therapy for Zoos

Life can often get very hard. It can get hard from running into struggles on the way through it. It…

Give Shelter Dogs a Chance

Back when I worked at a previous shelter, there was a dog I met, we’ll call him C. C was…

Meeting Maple

Meeting people is scary. Meeting zoos is extra scary. Especially ones you don’t already know. Recently I was at BLFC.

Eurofurence 2023

Recently, I had the absolutely pleasure of attending Eurofurence with a group of other zoos. Some of them are zoos…

On Fear

I've been called a lot of things since I've started this whole journey. Some of them have been good, a…

Fluidity in Attraction

Hypocrisy is not defined as the ability to change your mind. It's okay to like comedy movies, but then one…

Real Zoo Questions

It's 11 PM at night. Your friend, who is not zoosexual himself but he does respect you, has rolled you…

An Inhuman Romance

Written by Dayn (gayboidayn) Therio (θηρίον) - Greek root: An animal; A beast. ánthrōpos (ἄνθρωπος) - Greek root: A human.

It's Real

It’s a little bit interesting how when telling people that my dog is my partner, I often find that the…

Art can be Activism

The Marvel movies are omnipresent as a cultural touchstone, going far beyond a niche nerdy interest and asserting themselves solidly…

Tarro's One Year Party!

Hi there, Tarro here. Today’s article is going to be a little bit different. It’s officially been one year since…


noun: grooming /ˈɡro͞omiNG/ 1. The practice of brushing and cleaning the coat of a horse, dog, or other animal. The…

We aren't your debate

The dog who my family had growing up loved taking me on adventurous long walks all over the city. She…

The Joy of Zoo

There is such a deep pleasantness to waking up in a warm cozy bed with a dog. There are mornings…

I used to be an anti

Hello! I’d like to make it clear first that I am in NO way a good writer, nor am I…

Being an Asexual Zoo

Asexuality has always been the forgotten stepchild of the greater LGBT community. After all, in a community about attractions, how…


Warning: This article deals with potentially distressing themes. Reader discretion is advised. When I was younger, my sister decided to…

Why are you a zoo

“Why are you attracted to animals?” I get that question a lot from people. Sometimes it’s because they want to…

Finding Self Acceptance

As zoos, one of the toughest things many of us face is accepting ourselves. There’s so much negativity surrounding the…

Time for Change

“The 7:34am train is now cancelled, the next train is at 8:06am” Oh, great… Thankfully, I’d spotted an empty seat…