Topical (63)

First Loves

The new year has come, a time of change and new happiness. But can the new exist without the old,…

2024 Year in Review

Time sure does fly when you're having fun doesn't it? Another amazing year has gone by and here we are…

Dogteeth's Letter to Santa

Dear Santa, Thank you for the plane tickets you got me last year to fly from America to Germany to…

Zoo Con 2024

It’s 2:00 AM Central Time and I’m sitting in the lobby of the Donald E. Stephens convention center in Rosemont…

Social Change and Violence

Have you ever received a death threat? If you're a zoo reading this, chances are that you've probably gotten at…

Today's Zoos

Hello, I am WOF. Lately I've been feeling quite sentimental over the fortune we have as zoos to live in…

Accomplishing Things

There's a criticism that we here at the magazine, and I think really all zoo activism gets that I wanted…

The Sticker War

A few years ago, there was a shift in the Furry Fandom; a change in attitude and outlook that reverberates…

Being Yourself (Part 1)

I really like video essays. I do a lot of writing (as you may or may not have guessed), and…

So Our Domain Dropped Us

Oh, hi again! Tarro here. We've been gone for a couple weeks, but now we're back! Wow! We should be…

Zoo Pride Week 2024 (Part 2)

Hey there! Tarro here! Happy Zoo Pride 2024! With the first of our pride articles, we focused a lot on…

Zoo Pride Week 2024 (Part 1) 

Happy Zoo Pride Week, Zooples! This is local Floof Woff-Brand here, and over the past 9 months I've had the…


Hey there. Tarro here. Today I want to talk about something I've been seeing a lot of talk about in…

Warm Weather Tips 

Wow boy it sure is hot out there! At least for most of our readers anyway. We see you Australia…

Two Whole Years!

Hey, Tarro here! You wanna know something kinda crazy? We've officially been running this little magazine of ours for two…

The Earth is Cool

How often do you think about the earth? Personally, I love it. I think Earth is an S tier ball…


On March 5th (depending on your time zone), a Twitter account named Pup Davey (NSFW) tweeted out a poll asking…

Interview with ZT Horse

Tarro: Hello dear readers! Today's a special day here, we're joined by the one and only ZT Horse! He's been…

How to Interview Zoos

As a somewhat prominent member of the zoo community, I get asked to do interviews a LOT. I would say…

An important message

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It's an Exciting Time to be a Zoo

There have certainly been times where being someone who loves animals has been much more socially accepted. And, assuming the…

Interview with Zoocadia

So hi to all you zoos and zoo friendly sorts out there. Today HugDoggy, that's me, will be talking to…

Getting involved

A dog barks, stiffly gets up from his slumber on the couch, and trots to the door barking and barking,…

Zoo Activism

I've been a zoo for a long time. I've been an active part of the community now for a year…

Creating our own online spaces

For zoos, it’s important for us to build spaces of our own. The internet can be a hostile place, and…

Setting Goals for 2024!

Hello dear readers and welcome back to Zooey Dot Pub! We hope you had a great holiday season of whatever…

2023 Year in Review

Hi there readers! It's nearly the end of another year, crazy to think about isn't it? I always get this…

A Response to Animal Amicus

Last week, some new voices weighed in on the topic of bestiality. At least, their voices weighing in was new…

Give Shelter Dogs a Chance

Back when I worked at a previous shelter, there was a dog I met, we’ll call him C. C was…

Meeting Maple

Meeting people is scary. Meeting zoos is extra scary. Especially ones you don’t already know. Recently I was at BLFC.

Zooey Politics

“I don’t see anyone on the right pushing for sex with animals.” -Mindy Robinson (@iheartmindy) The other day a somewhat…

A Podcast For Zoosexuals?!

Can you believe that zoophiles are allowed to have a podcast? I was sure surprised! When I first heard about…

The Slippery Slope

Have you heard of the "Slippery Slope" argument before? It goes something like this. Say it's your birthday, and to…

Eurofurence 2023

Recently, I had the absolutely pleasure of attending Eurofurence with a group of other zoos. Some of them are zoos…

Keep Furries Weird!

When I've come back in from a big long evening dog walk, taken off my shoes, and gotten some refreshing…

Zoo Pride 2023 Day 2

Hello again! Weird to see you this many times in a week. And on a Tuesday no less! Hope your…

Zoo Pride 2023 Day 1

Hey! It's Tarro, your friendly neighborhood raccoon, here to introduce a project that Vex will be doing with the magazine…

So our host dropped us

So as particularly observant readers may have noticed, we did not put up articles last week. It was our first…

Zoo Pride, Awoo!

What a time to be a zoosexual! We’ve got a nice selection of open chatrooms and platforms to flaunt our…

Caring About Things

"Trans rights are human rights" is a term used by trans activists to convey the idea that since trans people…

The Power of Friendship

Everyone knows about “The power of friendship.” It’s a trope I’m sure that you’ve seen at least a couple of…

Valentine's Day 2023

Valentine’s Day, the day of the year where we cherish our loved ones and take the time to really give…

It's Hard Being a Trans Zoo

To the despair of the trans community, there has been a rise in anti-transgender and anti-LGBTQ legislation in recent months.

2022 year in review

Hello and welcome to 2023! I’ve always loved the new year. It’s a time for shaking off the ails of…

Grooming Part 2

Hi there. This is the direct sequel to another article that I’ve written about grooming. The first part dealt with…

Tarro's One Year Party!

Hi there, Tarro here. Today’s article is going to be a little bit different. It’s officially been one year since…


noun: grooming /ˈɡro͞omiNG/ 1. The practice of brushing and cleaning the coat of a horse, dog, or other animal. The…

A review of the PACT act

On November 25th, 2019 President Donald Trump made what should have been one of the least controversial moves of his…

Dogs are kinda Zoophilic

For as long as there has been zoo discourse in the furry fandom, there has been one subset of people…