The Importance of Non-Zoo Friends

Hi, my name is Dogteeth, and I'm a zoophile, I like dogs.
If you're friends with me, you've probably seen me say something that is pretty close to that, almost word for word.
I've probably said it to you multiple times, in fact.
If you're a regular of the ZDP discord, you've probably seen me say it multiple times per week.
It's important to me that all of my friends know who I am. Straight up, I can't even begin to be friends with you if you take issue with me being gay, me being trans, or me thinking that Dalmatians are way more attractive than any humans. If my real self bothers you, you don't get to be on my "give a shit" radar, I have better things to do with my life.
One of my best friends is cis het and has a wife and kids. One of my best friends is nonbinary and is on HRT and hooks up a lot. Neither of them are zoophiles, but they are both fully aware that I am one. I also have a lot of "one of my best friends" who are zoophiles. It's like, my whole thing, it's what my life is, I spend pretty much all of my free time daydreaming about dogs in a "boys <3" sort of way.
And it's important to me that, even my friends who aren't also zoos, they know that that's what my deal is.
I want to live a life that I'm happy with. And, for me, being into kissing animals is a big part of that. And the sooner that I can elimate someone from my life who doesn't like me kissing animals, the sooner I can get back to living a happy life.
And, I learn things from non-zoos all the time too.
Non zoo friends have given me perspective on bitwise operations in JavaScript that I would have sworn JavaScript would be too abstracted to ever actually do whatsoever. Like, apparently you can do bit stuff in JavaScript! I think a zoo would have just asked why I was using JavaScript!
Just last night, a non zoo was helping me work through the fact that "dog" is not connected to "hot as fuck" for some people. Like, by talking with non zoos, I get to be reminded, "Oh right I think this dog is casually the hottest person I've ever seen, but someone else actually would give this dog a 0/10, these wires from "dog" to "hot" do not connect, right a lot of humans do feel that way. It's not just all of society gaslighting zoophiles, there just actually are people who do not experience zoophilia, I see. Right. Taking notes. I'll try to remember this."
It has been helpful to me to have non-zoo friends.
A lot of these people were already my friends before I was out as zoo. And now that I am out, it's been so based to get to be accepted now that they know the zoo part. They have demonstrated, more than some others in my life have, that they are actually good, caring, intelligent people; they are the real ones. They have demonstrated that it's possible for me to be one of the double-secret spicy queers and still actually participate in society. They have demonstrated to me, by continuing to chatter with me for years after coming out, that I am worthy of love and friendship, not exile.
So, my name is Dogteeth, and I'm a zoophile, I like dogs. And if that's good with you, then we should hang out sometime.
Article written by Dogteeth (October 2024)
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