The Landscape of Bestiality Porn

Bestiality is the act of a human and an animal having sex with each other. It turns out, a lot of humans like having sex with animals, a lot of animals like having sex with humans, and a lot of videos depicting interspecies sex have been posted to the internet. Within certain obvious bounds, looking at porn is a safe, healthy, and normal way for someone to experience sexual self discovery and sexual gratification. For those who like porn, it’s a great feeling when you find one that pushes all the right buttons for you: maybe a floppy eared lab having a whale of a time humping a human actress, or close ups of a dark mare wet and winking to the camera. There are a lot of great videos out there showing animals having a good time getting off. But the fact of the matter is that in many places, sex with animals is illegal regardless of whether the animal had fun or whether she actually really didn’t want to be there. And that blanket illegality has significantly impacted the landscape of bestiality pornography on the internet. Let’s ask ourselves some questions about this landscape, and examine the answers.
What kinds of bestiality porn are out there?
Beast porn comes in all kinds of flavors. There are drawings, animations, video game mods, or pictures and videos of real animals. Sometimes animal porn simply shows off an animal by him/her self, other times you may see an animal having sex with a member of his/her own species, or sometimes there may be an interspecies pairing involving a human. There can be all different configurations of species and biological sexes. Some videos may show a human woman and a male dog, a human man and a female dog, a human man and a male horse, etc etc, or you may see a group of people participating in the activities. For our purposes here today, when we talk about the landscape of bestiality porn, we’re mostly talking about videos showing real life acts of human/animal bestiality. But things outside of that do exist as well, and something like cartoon drawings of sex with animals may be a more palatable alternative to real life videos, depending on tastes or concerns that someone may have.
Is bestiality porn illegal to watch?
Unfortunately, the answer to this question depends heavily on where you live. Different states, provinces, and countries have different rules, and these things evolve over time. Some bodies of law may also distinguish between whether or not bestiality porn is illegal to view, whether or not it’s illegal to share, and whether or not it’s illegal to produce. So be aware when doing research for your area that the legality of bestiality may be different to the legality of viewing bestiality porn.
Where can I find bestiality porn?
There are many websites that host bestiality videos. Be aware that a lot of them are very shady, both on the level of computer safety (trying to take you away to other sites), and on the level of hosting abusive content (videos of forced animal sexual abuse). Currently, there are not any bestiality porn sites that have their hands completely clean on both of these fronts, and so it’s a matter of picking your poison and doing your best to navigate things from there. One tip may be to use a TOR browser when visiting these sites, to disguise your IP from them. And definitely don’t create accounts on these sites using usernames or passwords that you use elsewhere. Using a TOR browser and searching for bestiality porn in Duck Duck Go may be a way of finding sites that work for you.
How do I know if a video shows abuse?
Unfortunately, these videos are often filmed in a way that makes it difficult to tell. Because bestiality is illegal in so much of the world, these videos commonly don’t show the face of the human or even very much of the animal: it’s often just a continuous close-up on the genitals, which limits our tools such as body language and context. Often nobody is speaking so that their voice isn’t revealed, or the audio may be cut entirely. There are also some cases where it seems likely that the person filming hired a prostitute to have sex with the animal on camera, and the prostitute does not have the skills a seasoned zoo might in terms of communicating with the animal and knowing the dos and don’ts of handling that animal’s genitals. Good signs that a video is not abusive would be if the human and the animal show friendly and compassionate body language towards each other, such as wagging and kisses and praise. It should seem that all parties present, human and animal, are happy enough to be there. Red flags that a video is likely abusive would be if the animal is restrained, if the animal seems to want to escape, if the animal seems to be sedated or asleep, if a human is saying demeaning things to the animal or to another human present, or if the animal is making pained noises or begins bleeding. It would be the hope that, as zoosexuals who love animals, the videos with positive signs would be the most preferred, and the videos with these alarming red flags are closed very promptly if discovered. But as stated, because of the circumstances surrounding the creation of beast porn, a lot of it does fall under a grey area, and what to do with that is ultimately a personal decision.
If zoos love animals, why is there so much abusive content?
There are many different types of sexual attraction to animals, and unfortunately, “respecting and loving animals romantically as well as sexually” is not the type of zoosexuality that dominates the porn space. Currently, many of the people producing and hosting bestiality porn are playing to the “kink” angle: it’s exotic, it’s taboo, it’s dirty. To some, like the zoosexuals/zoophiles that this magazine writes for, getting to be in a sexual relationship with a dog is warm, exciting, happy, delightful, the dog is your friend and your partner, and the idea of doing something sexually to a dog that she didn’t want would be an unthinkable betrayal of that loving relationship. But, to many, a donkey is a hole, a sheep is a hole, a horse is a hole, a dog is a hole: some who feel that way will still be considerate to the animal, others unfortunately aren’t concerned much about what the animal thinks, or worse, may find pleasure in inflicting harm to an animal during sex. And, currently, most laws treat all of these different types of sex as the same, and so do adult video hosting sites.
What would improve the landscape of animal porn?
Most likely, progress on animal rights and zoo rights will go hand in hand with seeing better dealings available when it comes to porn videos featuring animals. If there was a shift in the law and the public mindshare towards rooting for Fido to get to bury the bone in a pretty actress, the landscape may follow, and we might see more positive beast porn sites crop up, or maybe even start to see these videos being welcomed on existing mainstream sites.
Some practicalities of how these videos might be produced would still be contentious. For example, in the past, we have seen times where commercially produced bestiality porn panned out to be on the up-and-up, but we have also seen times where it was abusive, treating the animals as props to be used. Short of that though, seeing a shift towards more videos on the more amateur end of things showing romantic zoos pleasuring their partners would be a welcome breath of fresh air.
Wrapping Up
The world of bestiality porn has its perils, unfortunately, but it also offers a lot of good to be seen. It’s a fun chance to check out species of animals you might not have had the pleasure of being intimate with personally, or even just a chance to spend more time looking at a species you already are quite familiar with. There can also be something endearing about seeing a group of friends hanging out with their bits out, doing it with animals like yeah we’re into this so what. In general, seeing animals get off, whether that’s the human animal, the canine animal, the equine animal, etc, is a pretty nice thing to get to look at. In the future, it would be nice if openness about romantic zoosexuality was a lot more accepted, so that we could be safer in producing videos of us showing our partners a real good time, and cultivate spaces for nice porn only. After all, who doesn’t like cute animal videos?
Article written by an anonymous author (February 2023)
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