Write an article!

Cats are so cool. I love the way that they're so sleek, the way you can see the way they're so careful in evaluating everything. Unless they're total derps in which case it's the opposite and they seem to trip over their own feet. I think meows are a very cool noise in the pantheon of animal noises in totality, but also man, a good purr is top tier.
I think cats are awesome, but if I was trying to write an article about cats, I would get to about that point and then say "welp, that's everything that I know about cats" and have to give up. And that's sad, because publish an article that's just one paragraph about cats also because I think that would be a real disservice to the cat lovers out there in our audience that could say so much more about the topic.
I'm basically a full time zoo at this point, while also being a full time person who has a full time job. And I don't mean that as a complaint, I like to stay busy. I mention it to say that I don't really tend to have a lot of free time to pursue interests outside my typical day to day. I have a very narrow scope when it comes to my lived experience. I have so many cool ideas for things that I would love to write about for the magazine that would turn into such awesome articles, but they just aren't in my wheelhouse to the point where it would take a lot of time and effort to actually research the topic enough to understand it enough to write about it. But you know what's even better than writing articles? Reading other people's articles! And the nice part about being alive is that everyone has different things that they happen to know about. I'm sure there's someone who knows enough about history to write that "Potential zoos from history" article I've wanted for ages. I'm sure there's someone that knows enough about ecosystem that they could write a great article on global warming's more tangible effects and the way that it effects animal advocacy. There's DEFINITELY someone that knows how to draw and could write a really amazing article about the way that art can be used as a tool for communication than any amount of words, and why it's important to create things within a community.
The list goes on and on and on. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Anything can be zooey. If you have any kind of passion I'm sure there's a way to give it an interesting animalthemed spin that could then be published in a zoophile magazine.
This magazine was always meant to be a tool for platforming as many voices in the zoo community as possible. Everyone has something interesting to say. Something that other people would love to read about. It's not about being a good writer, or needing to have the best idea in the world that you've brainstormed for decades. Everyone has a story inside of them. And I just want to be able to read more of them.
That's what this is really about, after all. I don't mind writing this much, this isn't a cry for help. There's just so much more I'd love to read. So much I'd love to learn about. I want to know what it's like for zoos that are attracted to rats. I wish I knew more about how being a zoo affected different people in different places in their life. I want to read stories about people coming out, how it went, and how it changed the relationships afterwards. I want to know about all different kinds of animals, and what makes them cool and unique and learn about their social habits and the ways that they live and a bunch of fun facts. I would read a thousand articles by zoos written about random animals they're attracted to just because I both think animals are awesome, and would love to see the passion behind the messaging.
What's the thing that you love? What do you never shut up about? What cool experiences have you had that you'd love to talk about? What's something that's unique about you as a zoo?
Consider writing for Zooey Dot Pub, we'd love to hear from you.
Article written by Tarro (March 2025)
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