Zoo Pride 2023 Day 1

I'm glad that I'm a zoo. Really, I am! If I had the ability to just totally turn off my animal attracted-ness, there's no way that I would ever do it. To me, it's such an important part of who I am. If I wasn't a zoo, would I still have the same relationship to the world around me as I do? So much of what I think of as my "self" come from being zoosexual. And I'm very happy with those parts of me. Through my zoosexuality I've had amazing relationships, t's even enabling me to live a life that I can honestly say that I'm proud of.
And that's what pride is really all about. I'm proud to be zoosexual. I'm proud to be a part of this amazing community other animal attracted people. I'm proud of the relationship that me and my canine partner have. When we walk down the street together and people call him handsome and ask if they can pet him and he wags his tail and they smile and go "awww" I'm proud. Not for myself, but for him. When we're in bed late at night snuggling and I know that he could be more comfortable laying at the foot of the bed by himself, and he knows that I could be more comfortable if I wasn't craning my arm at a horrible angle to make sure that I can still give him pets, I'm proud of the love that we share for one another.
When we're proud, we don't care what other people think. We have confidence in our own beliefs, and are willing to stand up for others in our community who may have not found the same level of self-acceptance in themselves. ride is infectious. When we see people taking pride in something that we feel ashamed of, it gives us a desire and a hope that one day we too might be able to feel the same way.
So to celebrate Zoo Pride Week, we here at Zooey Dot Pub thought it might be valuable to
Hey, friends! It’s Vex again, and I’m here with some pretty wonderful from quite a few wonderful, more closeted zoo!
I’ll first showcasing messages on pride for
et’s get started with our
“Don't be afraid to be who you are! You are valid, you are loved and you have a place. I'm so happy I decided to look deeper into these feelings I denied for so long.” - Anonymous Zoo
“I'd probably just say don't allow the beliefs of bigots to cause you to alienate yourself. The vast majority of zoos are doing absolutely no harm to anybody, so don't let people convince you that your actions are causing any damage because that only does harm to yourself through trying to shut off who you are. Nobody should feel guilty because of who they love” - Aimee
“Continue to learn and explore yourself. There is no larger peace in life thn self knowledge and comfort in who you are.” - Anonymous Zoo
“I was born this way. No specific experience has made me attracted to animals, since I can remember it's been there, and no amount of ignoring it, refusing urges, or shaming myself has made me able to rid that from myself, and that will never change. And that does not make me or any other zoo any [less] of a human being, I and every zoo and every animal deserves love.” - PersimmonSFW
And to end tpride message I would like to put my own forth!
For me, zoo pride isn’t just about being able to say I am attracted to animals. It isn’t solely wanting a world where sex with animals is legal. Zoo pride is important to me because it lets me be truly happy and prideful in who I am in more than just a passive way. I can actively celebrate my love, my partner, my community, something that is vastly undervalued until you experience it. If you’re closeted, more of a lurker, or just haven’t decided to interact with the community yet, please do. It is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, and I am infinitely happier for finding others to celebrate who I am with. You’re never alone without us, because we will always be here for you, waiting until the day you feel comfortable to engage and explore or accept your zoosexuality.
And you are incredibly loved. I should know, I’m one of the many who loves and cares for you. You’re important.
With that said, I hope you enjoyed these short messages. There Have a great Zoo Pride Week! See you there!
Article written by Tarro and Vex (July 2023)
Find them at https://twitter.com/hereforthezoo and https://twitter.com/KoolKanine
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